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Watch Chicago #NoNATO Actions

Posted 12 years ago on May 19, 2012, 12:47 p.m. EST by OccupyWallSt

4:50pm Eastern / 3:50pm Central: As people continue to get back from the protest in front of Mayor Emmanuel's house, Occupiers are currently marching on Daley Plaza in support of the #NATO3, who are being held and charged with trumped-up terrorism charges. Two helicopters are circling overhead; large police presence currently. Livestreams and cell phone service in Chicago have been very spotty since yesterday. Numerous people on the ground and elsewhere report they are having unprecedented difficulty with their live feeds; we apologize if livestreams go down from time to time. More streams can be found here.

Later, at 6:30pm Central, an anti-capitalist march will be leaving from the Haymarket memorial (175 N Desplains, cross street: Randolph). Remember to bring water, it is very hot!

Other Resources:
Occupy Chicago NATO/G8 Guide
NATOprotest.org | ChicagoSpring.org | OccupyChi.org | http://cang8.wordpress.com
 #NoNATO #OCHI #NATO3 #BeerNotBombs
Chicago Bail Fund - PLEASE DONATE!
National Lawyers Guild Chicago number 1-312-913-0039
Even more livestreams


Occupy Chicago, Mental Health Movement Stage Sit-In At Mayor's House, Demand Health Care Not Warfare!

Posted 12 years ago on May 19, 2012, 10:45 a.m. EST by OccupyWallSt

sit in at rahms house
Occupiers sit in the road in front of Mayor Emmanuel's house

Update, 4pm Eastern / 3pm Central: Successful action at Rahm's house is ending; no arrests or major conflicts. Lots of photos added below! Next action is at 3:30 at Jackson and Lasalle in solidarity with the #NATO3. #BeerNotBombs

As of 3pm Eastern / 2pm Central, Occupiers and the Mental Health Movement have taken the streets at Rockwell & Montrose and are on their way to Chicago Mayor Rahm Emmanuel's home. The MHM is occupying mental health clinics slated for closure due to the city's austerity programs. Today, thousands of protesters are marching in solidarity against the clinic closures, chanting, ¨They say cut back, we say fight back!¨ and ¨Fight fight fight, health care is a human right!¨ Rahm Emmanuel is being targeted because his government is closing half the mental health clinics in Chicago while spending millions on hosting the NATO war-makers conference.

Follow on Twitter: @OccupyChicago, @MHMChicago, @Codepink, #noNATO, #saveourclinics

Background on today's action:

The Mental Health Movement is calling on all NATO protesters to occupy the public clinics being closed by Mayor 1% Emanuel. On May 19, NATO demonstrators will take the fight to #SaveOurClinics to the Mayor's doorstep.

At 10am, masses of demonstrators will gather at the Irving Park Brown Line stop, where they will be given hospital gowns with "Healthcare Not Warfare," and, "Clinics Not NATO," written on them. They will go door to door, asking Rahm's neighbors where they can find mental health care, since they Mayor has closed the clinics that serve our communities.

At 12pm, the Mental Health Movement and supporters will converge on Horner Park at Irving and California, and will then march on Rahm Emanuel's house at 4228 N Hermitage.

The Mental Health Movement call to occupy the clinics during NATO has been echoed by Occupy Wall Street.

Mental Health Movement Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/saveourclinics




Free the #NATO3!

Posted 12 years ago on May 19, 2012, 6:29 a.m. EST by OccupyWallSt

Update, 1:30pm ET: Protesters are gathering outside the bond hearing. The Sheriff originally allowed only three people to enter before ultimately allowing 10. Bail has been set at $1.5 million each. Mainstream corporate media are reporting that the 3 arrested activists were planning attacks on police stations, the Mayor's home, and the Obama campaign headquarters -- despite the fact that authorities "have provided no evidence of criminal intent or wrongdoing on the part of the activists," according to a press release from the Chicago chapter of the National Lawyer's Guild. Chicago Police admit they had infiltrated organizers. According to the Chicago Sun Times, ¨the undercover operation had been underway for weeks.¨ Lawyers, friends, and family of the accused maintain the ¨bomb making¨ equipment seized by police was actually a homebrew beer-making kit belonging to one of the residents and that the terrorism charges are sensational allegations to terrorize NATO protesters. It seems to have had an opposite effect - #NATO3 is trending on Twitter. A solidarity march has been called for LaSalle and Jackson to Daley Plaza at 3:30PM Central.

This video shows Chicago police questioning occupiers about Occupy Chicago, the NATO protests, and threatening violence after arbitrarily pulling over their car in the Bridgeport neighborhood of Chicago earlier this week. The video went viral after the activists posted it to social media. Now, three of them are being charged with terrorism in the wake of a warrantless preemptive raid on activists' homes in Chicago.

An attorney from the National Lawyers Guild describes the video:

They were driving in a car and were pulled over without any kind of justification or reason by the Chicago police department. They were surrounded by police and they were questioned for a very long period of time about what they were doing in Chicago, why they were here to protest, what their political affiliations were, how they identified politically—All kinds of absolutely outrageous questions that certainly do not indicate any kind of illegal behavior because it is not constitutional simply to accuse them of a crime because of a political belief.

One officer can be heard in the video saying, “We’ll come look for you, each and every one of you.” Police also made references to the 1968 Democratic National Convention in Chicago, where protesters were violently beaten back by National Guardsmen:

CPD Officer 1: “You like that, he knows these guys know, ’68. You guys know all about ’68. What did they say back in ’68?”

CPD Officer 2: “Billy club to the fucking skull.”

Late Wednesday night, nine #noNATO activists were arrested in a preemptive raid in the southside Chicago neighborhood Bridgeport. Chicago police broke into multiple homes with guns drawn and began rounding up the sleeping activists and bystanders.They did not present a warrant. Police ransacked the home, destroying property, throwing possessions around, dumping bags out, insulting people with homophobic slurs, and seizing cell phones. One person who had been staying at the house but was not present during the raid was even arrested while at a nearby pharmacy.

They were then held in the Organized Crime Division for nearly 36 hours until Friday night. One of the activists said police held them without ever saying why and threatened them with felony conspiracy charges in an attempt to get them to falsely accuse someone from the movement. While in detention, they were shackled, taunted, and called terrorists by police. Six were later released without charge.

Three of them have now been charged with “possession of incendiary or explosive device, conspiracy to commit terrorism & providing material support for terrorism,” according to attorney Sarah Gelsomino with the National Lawyers Guild. The three being charged are the same people who posted the viral video depicting police threatening activists.

Police waited until 2am, when most protesters were asleep, to announce the charges. The 3 are still in jail. Occupy Chicago has called the trumped-up charges retaliation for posting the video exposing police threatening activists. The NLG declared, “Charging these people who are here to peacefully protest against NATO for terrorism when in reality the police have been terrorizing activists in Chicago is completely outrageous.”

The three activists will appear in bond court at noon (May 19) at 26th & California. Occupy Chicago is calling for jail support! Arrive at 11am Central.




After 400 Arrests Yesterday, 25,000 Retake Frankfurt to #Blockupy Austerity

Posted 12 years ago on May 19, 2012, 2 a.m. EST by OccupyWallSt

blockupy queers

Updated, 12 noon EST: Numbers reached 25-30,000. Huge demonstration against power of banks and corrupt politicians. Anticapitalist bloc singing Bella Ciao. Germans carrying Greek flags in solidarity with those effected by the imposed austerity measures in Greece. A bus from Slovenia was turned away, but protesters have come from all over Europe, including a bus from France. Despite extremely heavy police presence, there have been no reports of violence. Another spontaenous solidarity demo has begun in Sttugart. More photos added below!
Updated, 7:50am EST: Around 10,000 people are already gathered in Frankfurt. Videos added below; check back later for more updates!

After local courts banned protests against the European Central Bank in Frankfurt, the Blockupy Alliance went on with its demonstrations, raising banners reading “Our Solidarity Against Your Crisis.” Police from multiple jurisdictions swarmed the city in the thousands, closing subway stations, stopping traffic, building fences and barricades, and establishing checkpoints throughout the city. On Wednesday, the Occupy camp near the European Central Bank was evicted. 200 people peacefully resisted and were dragged away by police in riot armor. Many protesters covered themselves in white paint as the police came to carry them off.

Yesterday, police stopped three buses with Blockupy demonstrators from Berlin and detained around 200 ¨autonomists,¨ who are ¨classified as violent¨ according to a police spokesperson to local media. Defying the ban, Blockupy nonetheless flooded the financial district to shut down banks. A massive police force was deployed and arrested 400 people. Following this, spontaneous solidarity demos happened in other German towns. Today, protesters are converging for a march (the only remaining even that was not banned by the government). Police claim to expect 30-40,000 demonstrators and have sent 5000 officers. As of early this morning, police with water canons are guarding the ECB and all traffic heading toward the demonstration are heavily guarded by police who are checking and recording identification. Solidarity rallies are also planned in Berlin, Düsseldorf, Milan Italy -- and at the German Embassy in Portland, Oregon.

Follow live: @Blockupy, @takethesquare, @OccupyFrankfurt, @OccupyGermany, @indignadosffm, @Attac_de

via Blockupy Frankfurt:

Fri 18:20:
Legal team confirms announcement of the police: All "bans on residency" are lifted. All "bans from premises" and "bans on residency" for reason of carrying weaponry, will be in effect until tomorrow morning, 7a.m.

Fri 11h Updated political and cultural program
Fri 00:25 Press Release of the investigation committee in Frankfurt the course of Thursday.

Legal Team, Two Numbers: 0160 - 69 56 331 & 0160 - 95 65 74 26
Medics: 0177 - 621 82 42

Blockupy info phone - you can call the following numbers to keep up to date:
Information Hotline
0152 - 11 87 93 50 0160 - 572 34 38

More protest statements - and calling Blockupy Musiker_innen Künsterler_innen


Previous posts:
Austerity is Dying - Time to Drive a Dagger Through Its Heart! Blockupy Frankfurt, May 16-19Germany: Blockupy Frankfurt, May 17-19!